Pre-K to 12th-Grade Sessions

The families in the program worship together at the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. After Mass, they gather at the Xavier High School library for a healthy snack, announcements, and prayer. The parents then take their children to their classrooms and return to the library to listen to a guest speaker. At 11:30 a.m., parents pick up their children in the classrooms.

Adult Sessions

During the catechetical session, while the children and teenagers are in the classrooms with their catechists, the parents meet in the Xavier High School library to talk about a topic presented by a guest speaker. The themes are varied and are proposed by the parents in conjunction with an adult faith formation team. Topics on theology, spirituality, liturgy, parenting, ways of prayer, doctrines and teachings of the Catholic faith, interfaith dialogue among others are included in these adult sessions, which are open to all adults in our parish.

Sacramental Preparation

Children can receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist after having completed two consecutive years in the program and are at least in second grade. They receive the Sacrament of Confirmation when they are at least in 7th grade, after having completed two consecutive years in the program.